”Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”“
Joshua 1:8-9 NIV
What stands in the way of great achievement?
What stands in the way of achieving our dreams?
Is it effort? Is it fear? Is it systems? Is it methods?
In the NIV translation, the chapter in which the passage above sits in, is titled
"Joshua installed as Leader".
Joshua is being established, by god, to be the new leader of god's people after the death of Moses.
God commands Joshua to prepare his people to cross the Jordan River, to enter the promises of previous generations by taking over the promised land of milk and honey.
The only thing is...
There is enemies in that land
There is fear across that river
So repeated in this chapter 4 times is the phrase
"Be strong and courageous"
To make an amazing story short, Joshua leads his people in a step of faith across the Jordan.
Going over the barrier that their parents failed to cross for 40 years.
To achieve something that was the destiny of his people.
But he was afraid. But he was discouraged.
Or else God wouldn't have had to tell him to "be strong and courageous".
God establishes in him the mental framework necessary to be a leader.
God installs into him the mental patterns of success.
Be strong and courageous
Be strong and courageous
Be strong and courageous
Be strong and courageous
He says to meditate on the book of laws days and night.
To do everything in it.
You will be prosperous and successful.
So what are the keys of success?
What stands in the way of great achievement?
It is Faith.
I believe he is told to meditate on the laws to be reminded of the faith they provide
I believe he is told to keep them on his lips to be in constant mental focus on his faith.
Faith in the one who establishes your ways.
Faith in the one who instilled your dreams.
Faith to do everything that he commands.
To be strong and courageous,
One must have faith in their Commander
To follow the laws of god
One must have faith that god's laws are good
Without faith in God, God's Commands, and God's Promises, Joshua would not have followed the path laid out before him.
Fear would have taken over.
Fear of enemies. Fear of Failure. Fear of death.
So it is faith
That gives us the courage and strength
To cross over the barriers
That have held previous generations back
That is the key ingredient of success.